Best School Districts in Hopatcong Best School Districts in NJ

Hopatcong Borough School District Hopatcong NJ

Hopatcong Borough School District is a school district in Hopatcong, New Jersey. If you are doing Hopatcong Borough School District research, we have prepared a great resource for you.

Our resource contains necessary information such as Hopatcong Borough School District address, city, zip code and phone number.

Also you can check all of Best School Districts in NJ .

Hopatcong Borough School District Hopatcong NJ

NCES LEA ID STATE ID District Name Mailing Address City Zip Phone
3407440 372240 Hopatcong Borough School District PO Box 1029 Hopatcong 07843 [<=9999999]973398-8800

Other neccessary infos about Hopatcong Borough School District :

  • Average Daily Attendance is 1,581.30
  • Does LEA meet low-income poverty requirement? : 1,581.30
  • Does each school in LEA have locale code of 6,7, or 8? : NO
  • Locale codes of schools in the LEA : 3

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