Ho-Ho-Kus School District is a school district in Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey. If you are doing Ho-Ho-Kus School District research, we have prepared a great resource for you.
Our resource contains necessary information such as Ho-Ho-Kus School District address, city, zip code and phone number.
Also you can check all of Best School Districts in NJ .
Table of Contents
Ho-Ho-Kus School District Ho-Ho-Kus NJ
NCES LEA ID | STATE ID | District Name | Mailing Address | City | Zip | Phone |
3407320 | 032200 | Ho-Ho-Kus School District | 70 Lloyd Road | Ho-Ho-Kus | 07443 | [<=9999999]201612-4427 |
Other neccessary infos about Ho-Ho-Kus School District :
- Average Daily Attendance is 615.27
- Does LEA meet low-income poverty requirement? : 615.27
- Does each school in LEA have locale code of 6,7, or 8? : NO
- Locale codes of schools in the LEA : 3
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